LA Frontrunners is a running and walking club for LGBTQ+ people and their friends and supporters. We welcome runners and walkers of all levels, ethnic backgrounds, and sexual identities.
LAFR is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is part of the 100+ Frontrunner clubs around the world. We have recently celebrated our 43rd anniversary, and are proud of the long tradition of promoting a healthy community.

At the Chardonnay 10-Miler in 1989
Back row from left: Barry Norcross, Jane Dods, Ric Munoz, George and Brad Takei
Front from left: Jerome Tellio, Bill Walsky, and David Dassey
Our Story
On September 14, 1980, a small group of runners from the West LA/Santa Monica area called the Frontrunners met an equally small group of runners from the Valley/Silverlake/Mid-Wilshire area called the Upfront Runners. The meeting took place that day under the 'H' for Hippopotamus sign in the zoo lot in Griffith Park at the KNBC Peacock 10K Run. The two groups recognized each other as being of the same sexual persuasion. One in the group, Darrell Kindred, suggested that the two groups have brunch at the Melting Pot in WeHo. They did, and got along so well that they thought, "Wouldn't it be a good idea to have a running club similar to those in San Francisco and New York?" Later, after brunch at Barry Norcross' West Hollywood apartment, the Westside group merged with the Hollywood group and became the Frontrunners of Los Angeles. The group became an official club after the December 1980 meeting in which by-laws and officers were initiated and the name "Frontrunners Track Club of Greater Los Angeles" was adopted.